Raising money for your Startup?

Most Pitches Are Lousy… Create A Pitch That Wows Instead!

Do you want to raise money for your startup?

Here is the truth about raising money: most pitches are lousy.

Beyond lousy.  

Most pitches are so bad investors cringe when they see them.

If you have a good business idea you can float to the top 1% of companies by having a good pitch.  On the other hand, if you have a bad pitch you won’t raise a dime, even if you have a stellar product. 

Engage is partnering with the Westchester Angels

We help startups in the New York area develop pitches that engage rather than annoy investors.  

We use our combined experience with evaluating startups and story telling to prepare you to talk to investors.

Working with us you learn to engage investors with the clarity and story they need to invest in your company and you avoid wasting thousands of dollars  and months of time on meetings that go nowhere. 

Businessman drawing a growing chart on a paper notebook

Learn What Investors Want

We start by teaching you what investors are looking for.  

  • What does an angel investment look like?
  • How will early stage investors evaluate your company? 
  • How do you even think about valuation?

You use this information to make your offering compelling and ensure you have a company investors want. 


Craft A Good Story

The next step is to learn to tell a story. 

Telling your pitch as a story will engage your investors and motivate them to act and connect with you.  

You will learn our framework, develop your pitch and get feedback from the session leaders and your cohort peers.  

Audience at business conference. People listening to lecture.

Public Pitch

You will have the opportunity to pitch to a larger group in a pitch event that will include angel investors.  

Our panel of Angel investors will choose one or two companies that will go on to a screening session and opportunity to pitch the Westchester Angels.  

You will also get feedback from investors, panelists and an audience interested in startups. 

Prep for the Angels Leaders

Sandy Wollman, founder and General Partner of the Westchester Angels and member of the ARC Angels – he has reviewed well over 1000 pitches and knows what works and what doesn’t.  He has seen a lot of what doesn’t, but has also made some investments in some that do work.  He is serious about investing but also about having fun and giving back. 

Jeff Loehr, Founder and CEO of Engage and expert strategist, marketer and story teller.  He has seen hundreds of pitches, thousands of stories and countless marketing programs – he knows what engages and what doesn’t.  He developed Engage’s BrandStory framework and leads BrandStory workshops for marketers – he is on a mission to never see another lousy pitch again. 

Outline of Sessions

Session One What The Angles Look For In A Business

  • Review the angel environment and understand what investing looks like from their standpoint.
  • Review what a startup needs to be considered a good investment.
  • The valuation conversation.
  • HOMEWORK: define your business in angel terms.  Is it really ready for the angels, do you have a scalable business?  Would would it take?

Session Two: Telling A Good Story

  • Review storytelling for startups.
  • Define the elements of the story.
  • HOMEWORK: Create your pitch and your story.

Session Three: Practice Pitch

  • Cross present and get feedback from instructors and people in the room.

Session Four: Startup Night

  • Public presentations. 
  • Panel of investors.
  • Investor and audience feedback.
  • Best one or two pitches go on to screen at the Westchester Angels. 

Outline of Sessions

We currently planning our next session.  

If you are interested download our guide below and we will reach out with more information. 

Download Our Guide

Subcribe too download our guide.  We will send you free advice on pitching and growing your company.