The most powerful tool in attracting customers

By jeff.loehr | September 4, 2019 | Comments Off on The most powerful tool in attracting customers

A story helps us engage our audience and appeal to our prospects.  This is what a story is and why it is so powerful. 

The one strategy that actually reduces bounce rate

By jeff.loehr | August 19, 2019 | Comments Off on The one strategy that actually reduces bounce rate

You have 8 seconds to engage your audience, to reduce bounce rate and engage your audience there is one thing you can do, and for steps to doing it.

Avoid A Disastrous Pepsi Marketing Moment

By jeff.loehr | August 14, 2019 | Comments Off on Avoid A Disastrous Pepsi Marketing Moment

Pepsi failed to create an engaging story and alienated people instead.  Compare this to their most iconic commercials where they made the audience the hero by choosing Pepsi over Coke.  You can avoid a Pepsi Moment by crafting a meaningful story.  

“Always Be Closing”is an arduous waste, here is a better way

By jeff.loehr | July 7, 2019 | Comments Off on “Always Be Closing”is an arduous waste, here is a better way

Never was there a more mindless lack of strategy.

There is a much better way.

The Simple Truth About Business To Business Marketing – People Buy, not businesses

By jeff.loehr | March 28, 2019 | Comments Off on The Simple Truth About Business To Business Marketing – People Buy, not businesses

To define your business to business target market start by recognizing that you are not marketing to businesses. Companies don’t buy anything, people buy. So, your product or services solves a problem for somebody. Know what that problem is and market to that person. This thinking can be a shift for most people, but it is a powerful way to market your business and define your marketing target. 

The Power of YOU – why you should Write Blogs (and Copy) In Second Person

By jeff.loehr | February 20, 2019 | Comments Off on The Power of YOU – why you should Write Blogs (and Copy) In Second Person

Writing in the second person is a powerful way to engage your audience, this is why.

What a sales and marketing funnel is, why you need one and how to create one (guide)

By jeff.loehr | February 19, 2019 | Comments Off on What a sales and marketing funnel is, why you need one and how to create one (guide)

The idea of the funnel has been around for as long as marketing has existed. It is the process by which prospects go from strangers to customers.

Seven reasons marketing isn’t work and what to do to fix it (guide)

By jeff.loehr | January 31, 2019 | Comments Off on Seven reasons marketing isn’t work and what to do to fix it (guide)

Why does marketing so often not work? The short answer is that marketing requires consistent action over time that is customer focused and structured to bring you sales. If you are missing the structure the customer focus or the consistency your marketing will be a waste of time and money. We’ve found seven key areas to focus on – get these right and your marketing will drive sales.

How to be better at Sales (and Marketing)-start by understanding their world

By jeff.loehr | December 17, 2018 | Comments Off on How to be better at Sales (and Marketing)-start by understanding their world

To sell yourself effectively you must recognize that your customers live in one world and you live in another. You show that you understand their challenges and inspire them to see the possibility in your world.

Brown diamonds are worthless – don’t be a brown diamond

By jeff.loehr | September 26, 2018 | Comments Off on Brown diamonds are worthless – don’t be a brown diamond

Why you should be a cognac diamond, not a brown one.

This is the best way to undermine your marketing

Use lots of facts without – they are sure to not connect with your prospects and drive up the cost of marketing.  

How To Raise Money For Your Idea? Inspire Don’t Inform

The secret to a great pitch is to inspire.

Interview with Jeff on the Create You Own Life Podcast

Interview with Jeff Loehr on the Create Your Own Life Podcast.  

How To Network Effectively: Start By Not Boring People

Last night I was invited to a networking cocktail party.  It was a carbon copy of probably a thousand other parties happening the same night: cocktails, appetizers, and elevator pitches.  And of the dozens of people there I can remember one.  Here is why. 

You are The Most Interesting Man in the World’s Hero

If Dos Equis promoted their product, beer drinkers everywhere would have fallen asleep – or maybe ordered a Corona.  Instead, Dos Equis followed a different strategy. 

Stories for Enrollment not Sales

Stories are powerful enrollment conversations. 

Here is the good news: if you get the enrollment conversation right the sales conversation is much easier, faster and more natural. 

Engage Your Prospects Using the Power of story

The standard approach to sales and marketing communication is to bombard the market with all of the stuff that you do that is a mistake, here is the solution.

Stop wasting your breath, this is why they aren’t listening

We don’t remember what people do, we remember problems they solve and what they can do for us.  If you can’t communicate clearly the problem you solve and the reason why they care – you are wasting your time.  


Stop selling: how to use stories to enroll customers

Recently someone asked me how he would close a deal by telling a story.  He won’t.  None of us will.  That isn’t the point of telling your story.

Stories are necessary for enrollment not sales.